Mission Statement

Welcome to Option’s website!

“I choose to live by Choice not by Chance; to make changes not excuses; to be useful not used; to excel not compete”

I have quoted for you lines that inspire me each day to look forward to the opportunities for creative and constructive work, lines that instil in me the strength to walk from one goal to the next, lines that tell me loud and clear that my life is what I make of it. I began Option in 2000 in India with no more than a dream in my eyes and a conviction that I would make that dream a reality. The dream did become a reality; Option became a strong and unbeatable player in the education industry. But I was destined to dream again and to achieve again.

In 2012, eager to reach out to a more global student and to reinvent the skills that Option had so diligently acquired and honed in India for 12 years, I opened Option in Dubai. Today 12 years later it is with immense pride that I speak here about Option’s remarkable journey in Dubai. We continue to be chronologically the ‘youngest’ training institute in our segment in Dubai but clearly the most respected for our innovative and effective training methodology. Option’s long and respected track record of providing state of the art training to students and professionals in India paid us lasting dividends in the new arena and it is this experience coupled with the fire to start afresh that allowed Option to compete and perform exceptionally in Dubai.

The institute is built on four pillars: change, flexibility, energy and service. We work to change with the time, to be as flexible as possible in our offerings, to undertake each task with boundless energy and to provide our customer service par excellence. At Option, training for the standardized tests such as  SAT, ACT, AP, UCAT, and LNAT a is guided by the same standards. We have striven to master the preparation needs for each test by changing and innovating with processes and have been able to create learning platforms that have redefined training and made available to consumer’s the most amazing learning experience.

I invite you to join hands with Option and to allow us to work with you in your effort to realize your dreams. Let us walk the way together; let us share the fun of learning and growing together; let us look forward to a tomorrow that justifies the choices made in the present.
Life gives us many options to choose from but take care to exercise your Option wisely!

Dr. Radhika Vikramjeet